Monday 19 January 2015

Own Scamps

The scamps shown below are my own scamps which I have created to refer to when creating the design for the comic. I produced a variety of different scamps as this allows me to have a variety of different designs and prevents me from narrowing my design options too easily. I considered using a variety of different designs as this helps me to work with at least one design which I would be relatively happy with which also links to the storyline of the comic.

Comic Title

In order to think of a title for the comic I decided to mind map the different possibilities. This involved including titles which were relevant and reflected the comic by choosing words which would represent the comic. This was useful as this prevented me from narrowing my choices down too quickly.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Scamps - Rough

As part of the design process I needed to produce a variety of different scamps which I could use to refer to when designing the final piece. To begin this process I only drew out quick rough drawings as these were on the spot thoughts. Therefore the scamps shown below will be further drafted and more scamps will be drawn to ensure I don't limit my options when designing the final piece.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Cover - Scamp Ideas

Before planning out the scamps I decided to create a mind map to help me plan how the scamps will appear. This involved thinking about the storyline and how the scamps could reflect the story, e.g. producing a design which is related to the story.  I found this helpful as it allowed me to think of different ideas for the scamps.

Wednesday 14 January 2015


Before sketching and even attempting to ink the panels I created a dummy book. The purpose of this is to refer to as this allows me to plan out the different panels and the content which will be included within these. This will also allow me to further draft any possibles which I feel need to be further drafted after reviewing them.

Shows the adjusts which have been made after checking the dummy thoroughly, this includes replacing the bottom 2 panels with a completely different which will be presented as a single panel.

This also shows adjustments which will be made for the final piece as the bottom panels will be replaced by two different panels which is followed by the top panels being split into 3 panels.

The dummy contains simple rough drawings to enable me to plan each panel to ensure that the comic flows. The drawings used aren't the final drawings as a lot more detail will be included and the figures won't be close up as shown in the dummy. This also allows me to work out the style of the panels as it currently shows that a 4 grid panel is being used however this has now changed after reviewing the dummy.

Tuesday 13 January 2015


This is the plan which I will follow in order to produce the comic. The plan shows the layout in which the comic will use, evidencing the amount of panels which will be used for each page while also labelling them. I will use this plan to refer to when sketching the panels to ensure that these are in order. If these happen to have changed order then I will use this plan to rearrange the panels to ensure that the plans are placed in the correct place, on the correct page.

This is the script I produced to follow when creating the comic. This is the new version as the old version was too creased to show the evidence. It shows there is a lot of changes that were made and the script itself isn't in good condition as this was taken with me everywhere so that I could jot down any initial thoughts, especially for the last panels.

This is the old version of the script, as stated this version is too scruffy to see the planning. However this show that I changed my script over time, showing drafting.